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How to Clean Your Beltone Hearing Aids
One of the major things that you must remember to do if you start wearing hearing aids is cleaning them in the morning and at night.
Tips for Wearing Hearing Aids During Winter
Winter may seem a little worrisome if you have hearing aids but it doesn't have to be if you take just a little precaution.
Can Used Hearing Aids be Reused?
The initial cost of a new hearing aid may have you thinking twice about considering a used option.
Where Can I Recycle My Hearing Aid Batteries?
Discover recycling programs in your area controlled by the authorities and take advantage of them.
Can Hearing Aids Improve Your Balance?
If you notice hearing issues, it may be indicative of a larger inner ear problem that may eventually affect your balance.
What Can Happen if Hearing Loss is Left Untreated?
Getting proper hearing assistance can improve a person’s quality of life, improve their relationships and give them greater confidence.
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