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Hearing Aids In Winter

Tips for Wearing Hearing Aids During Winter

Tips for Wearing Hearing Aids During Winter

Even though most hearing aids are water resistant now, it's important to try to keep them as dry as possible to avoid possible damage that can be caused by moisture. The dampness and cold can both be issues especially during the cold winter months which means there may be a little extra care that may be necessary to keep your hearing aids in top condition.

Carry Spare Batteries

While it's always a good idea to have extra batteries for your hearing aids, the stakes rise in the winter. The cold weather can make batteries drain at a faster rate so a spare battery may be needed when least expected. Store the spare batteries somewhere safe and warm so they don't risk getting damaged from exposure to the elements.

Bundle Up

Not only is a hat beneficial for keeping yourself warm, but it can also keep your hearing aids safe as well. Wearing a hat and staying generally bundled up will keep your hearing aids warm just as it'll keep you warm. This helps to avoid rapid battery drainage as well as keeping moisture out of the devices.


Whenever you get back inside, give your hearing aids a quick wipe down. Open the battery compartment and swab around the battery to reduce the moisture throughout the entire hearing aid. While you don't need to do full maintenance, a quick wipedown of the entire hearing aid can help reduce the chances of something happening during the winter.

When To Leave Them Behind

While doing anything without hearing aids may seem like a chore, sometimes leaving them behind is the best option. If you enjoy partaking in winter sports such as skiing, snowboarding, or snowmobiling, it's best to go without your hearing aids. They'll fair much better in a safe, warm, dry location. During these types of activities, it's near impossible to keep your hearing aids dry between sweat and snow.

Hearing Aid Dehumidifier

If you're worried about moisture in your hearing aid, a hearing aid dehumidifier may be the perfect thing to invest in to put your mind at ease. These devices are great for everyone but extra consideration for one of these may be essential for those who love winter sports or who live in areas with harsh winters. Just open the battery compartment when you take your hearing aids at night and let this dehumidifier ensure that no moisture is left in your devices.

Change In Sound

If the sound seems to have been altered in any way, there's a chance that moisture may have gotten into your hearing aid. In this case, do a thorough cleaning promptly to try to avoid permanent damage to the device. Wipe down the hearing aid thoroughly to remove any moisture. If the device no longer sounds as it should, then it's time to contact your specialist at Beltone Skoric Hearing Aid Center.

Winter may seem a little worrisome if you have hearing aids but it doesn't have to be if you take just a little precaution. Enjoy everything you love about the snowy season with those you love and never sit out just because of your hearing aids.