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How Important are Hearing Tests?

It is estimated that 48 million Americans over the age of 18 suffer from some range of hearing loss, which can only be determined by hearing tests. For adults who are 50+, hearing problems can be hard to detect because it tends to develop slowly as a part of the aging process. That's why medical professionals recommend annual hearing screenings as part of your routine health care. Catching it early is the best way to prolong better hearing.

If left untreated, hearing loss may leave you prone to suffer from many conditions and challenges such as:

  • Social isolation
  • Alzheimer's
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Workplace difficulties
  • Cognitive decline
  • An increased risk of dementia
  • Additional stress
  • Fatigue

Many people suffering from hearing problems ignore or avoid testing, sometimes for years. General practice doctors do not regularly perform hearing evaluations as part of a physical exam. Most people assume their hearing is fine if the doctor doesn't mention it. But research shows baseline hearing screenings are critical to identifying a hearing loss early.

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Interested in booking a FREE hearing test with a Beltone Hearing Practitioner today? Fill out the form above or simply call us at our locations below:

(888) 417-2130

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Advanced Digital Hearing Aids Starting At


For a pair of Beltone Jabra™ Hearing Aids when you complete your FREE hearing screening.



Hearing Screening
Video Otoscope Exam

Beltone Comprehensive Hearing Test

Beltone is proud to offer free hearing tests that are comfortable, comprehensive, and 100% free. Our hearing tests start with an in-depth, personalized hearing health assessment that allows us to get to know you as a person. We'll review your medical history and provide you with insight into common conditions and medications that may be contributing to hearing loss.

Our hearing care professional will provide you with a full hearing evaluation, giving you quick and accurate results presented on an audiogram. Afterward, we will go over the detailed results with you. If you do not have a hearing loss, we will be the first to share the good news! If you benefit from the assistance of a hearing device, our hearing care professional will recommend the best hearing solution to fit your needs.

Beltone Practitioner

What happens at my appointment?

What To Expect

We begin the hearing test with a Personalized Hearing Health Assessment (PHHA). This test is a series of questions about your habits, lifestyle, and medical history that allows our hearing professionals to build a framework to understand your hearing care needs and what is important to you.

For example, do you enjoy dining out in restaurants and frequent noisy places? Enjoy music or spend lots of time with grandkids? Love the outdoors? The hearing care specialists at Beltone will help you find hearing aid devices that fit your lifestyle.

Video Ear Scan

The first part of the hearing screening process begins with a video otoscope. The video otoscope allows the practitioner to see the inside of your ear canal and eardrum, right on a computer screen.

This scan is useful in quickly identifying issues or obstructions that might be impairing your hearing, such as earwax or ear infections. The video ear scan is entirely painless and non-invasive.

Audiometric Testing

Utilizing computerized equipment, we’ll pinpoint the extent and type of hearing loss present by testing how well you hear a range of sounds, including:

  • Tone and speech testing
  • Air and bone conduction testing
  • Word discrimination testing

Hearing Test Results

Once the test is complete, your hearing care professional will guide you through your audiogram results and share what you're hearing and what you're missing. Should you be suffering any hearing loss, a hearing aid solution will be presented to you. You can even try the recommended solution with a free in-office trial.

Your personal setting will be programmed in our exclusive Beltone AVE™ system to allow you to test out Beltone hearing aids in everyday situations to hear the difference. We can even simulate your hearing loss so your spouse or loved one can understand what hearing challenges are faced every day.

Beltone HCP

Ready To Take The First Step?

Even a small decline can be a sign that you should find out more about your hearing. Make the right choice today by calling us at (888) 417-2130 or contact us to schedule your free hearing test with one of our many locations.