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Can Hearing Aids Improve Your Balance?
If you notice hearing issues, it may be indicative of a larger inner ear problem that may eventually affect your balance.
10 Tips to a Longer Lasting Hearing Aid
Many become frustrated with the fluctuating life span of hearing aid batteries. If that is the case, you may wonder how you can extend the life of your hearing aid.
Types of Hearing Aids
If you are living with hearing loss that's impacting your quality of life, you may benefit from hearing aids, many of which are designed to fit discreetly in ears.
Hearing Loss and Helen Keller
Helen Keller and hearing loss are inextricably linked because of her vast contributions to improving the lives of those who suffer from it.
World Hearing Day
World Health Day is on March 3rd, and it is a chance for individuals to learn more about what they can do to preserve their hearing.
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