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Travel and Hearing Aids
Holiday Traveling Tips For People With Hearing Aids
Forgetting clothes or a present can easily be solved, but the same cannot be said for hearing aids. Here are the four best holiday travel tips for everyone with hearing aids.
Does Hearing Loss in One Ear Affect Balance?
You may think that your hearing loss has nothing to do with your balance issue. However, that may not be the case.
Upper Respiratory Infections
Understanding the Link Between Upper Respiratory Infections and Tinnitus
Sometimes simple maladies amount to strange symptoms that can't be explained right away.
Can Hearing Aids Help Improve Sleep?
If you suffer from hearing loss, you may experience a difficult time both falling and staying asleep.
Hearing Health During COVID-19
Is it Okay to See a Hearing Specialist During COVID-19?
You can do what you can to protect yourself and get your healthcare needs met.