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Travel and Hearing Aids

Holiday Traveling Tips For People With Hearing Aids

There is nothing more exciting than traveling to see your loved ones for the holidays. Unfortunately, this excitement often causes you to forget something important at home. Forgetting clothes or a present can easily be solved, but the same cannot be said for hearing aids. Here are the four best holiday travel tips for everyone with hearing aids.

Pack Essentials Early

The holidays are stressful and chaotic for everyone, especially when you are traveling to see family. Packing your bags early will help reduce the stress and chaos in your life. Once the bags are packed, it is one less thing you have to worry about before leaving. Make sure you put all of your hearing aid essentials in the bag, including the cleaning kit, extra domes, wax guards, and other essential accessories.

Bring Extra Batteries

You will likely find yourself wearing your hearing aids a lot more than usual during your holiday travels. You do not want to miss out on a fun conversation with a family member you have not seen in years. The extended hearing aid wearing can potentially lead to your batteries dying. Getting extra hearing aid batteries at the store is usually not a problem, but these stores may be closed for the holidays. Avoid any troubles by packing spare batteries.

Wear Them Flying

You may be tempted to take out your hearing aids before going to the airport, but this would be a huge mistake. You run the risk of forgetting or losing your hearing aids if you do not wear them. They will cause absolutely no problems when going through the metal detectors at airport security. You will also want to hear to your full capacity in order to understand any important announcements regarding your flight.

Keep Supplies in Carry-on Bag

Airports are notorious for losing checked baggage, especially during the busy holiday travel season. If this happens, then you likely will not have access to your belongings during the entire trip. Your hearing aid supplies are too important to risk losing for a long period of time, so make sure you pack them in your carry-on bag. This will also let you correct any problems with the hearing aids during your travels.

Call Us Today

If you have any questions or concerns about traveling with your hearing aids this holiday season, then do not hesitate to speak with a specialist at Beltone Skoric Hearing Aid Center. Our goal is to make sure everyone is happy with their hearing aids, so we will happily address any of your concerns before your trip.